Cultural Transformation

Culture shapes the Mindset of People and their Willingness to transform Organizations.

It is possible and challenging for organizations to create constructive cultures.

The commitment of the CEO and the Board Members is essential for the implementation of a constructive culture. They have to be convinced that a constructive culture supports the success of the company, and that they themselves are part and parcel of the transformational learning and development process.

Analyzing the current culture and creating the ideal culture of an organization may be confrontational and inspiring at the same time. In any case it reflects the current situation and the aspiration to give impulses for further development.

For this reason c³ transform offers the Organizational Culture Inventory (OCI®) on both the organizational and on the group level. On the individual level, organizational members can gain insights into the cultural styles underlying their behavior by means of the Life Style Inventory (LSI™) and the Leadership Impact (L/I®) through self-reflection and 360°feedback. For more information you can visit

Constructive cultures start at the leadership level. Leaders are consistently challenged to practice constructive leadership strategies and to involve all organizational members in a learning and development process.

c³ transform and organizations jointly create the architecture for the cultural transformation.